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Thanks for your interest in Faith Christian Church.  Whether you are a devoted follower of Jesus, a skeptic giving this whole church thing a shot, or somewhere in between – you are welcome here.  At Faith Christian we will never assume that you have your life together, if you won’t make that assumption about us.


We are a group of imperfect people, loved by a perfect God.

At Faith Christian you will encounter authentic worship, a life-changing message and real people attempting to live with a real faith. The environment is friendly and casual! Here our focus is on God and people. Come as you are and you’ll find a church that challenges you to connect with God and discover what you can become.


Faith Christian Church — Helping People Find and Follow Jesus!

vision statement

A group of imperfect people, full of questions and doubts, finding that the best way to live is:

  • with Jesus,

  • in Community

  • and on mission.

core beliefs

Faith Christian Church truly desires to be a Christ-centered, Bible-teaching ministry in all that we are and in all that we do. The following statements are intended to help you understand the biblical ideas that most fundamentally define who we are.

our practices


We practice baptism as our association with the death, the burial and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Baptism doesn’t save anybody – Jesus does the saving through the payment that He made on the cross.   Baptism is a watery grave, and as you go down into water, symbolically as an old person, the old you dies, and then you come up as a new creation – made brand new.  The old is gone the new has come.  It’s a tangible picture of the death and the burial and the resurrection of Jesus.  We follow the example seen in scripture and practice baptism by immersion. 




The elements of communion (bread and a cup) are reminders of the body and blood of Jesus which were shed when Jesus died on the cross.  By sharing together in the symbols of communion we are uniting ourselves with Jesus and uniting ourselves with each other.  We share communion together on a weekly basis. Participation in this practice is open to all followers of Jesus. 


Sunday Morning In-Person and Online

10 AM

FaithKIDS @ 10AM In-Person

FaithSTUDENTS Youth Group 6:30pm Sunday Restarting in the fall


Faith Christian Church

2012 Pleasant Valley Rd. NE
New Philadelphia, OH 44663


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© 2024 by Faith Christian Church.

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